Sunday, May 13, 2012

Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Sweet

Family: Malvaceae
Synonym(s): Sida indica L.
English name: Indian Mallow
A herbaceous or shrubby, softly tomentose plant. Stem is round, often tinged with purple color. The leaves are petiolate, ovate to orbicular-cordate, acuminate and toothed. Flowers are borne solitary in long, jointed and axillary pedicels. Calyx lobes divided in the middle, ovate and apiculate. Corolla is yellow or orange-yellow and opens in the evening. Carpels are 15-20 in number. Fruits are hispid, scarcely longer than the calyx and the awns are erect. Seeds are three to five, kidney-shaped, dark brown or black, tubercled or with minutely stellate hairs.   
Found abundantly in wastelands from the seashore to 1,200 meters high in India and in the sub-Himalayan tracts.
Parts Used: Whole plant
Herb Effects
Aphrodesiac,anti-inflammatory,anthelmintic, analgesic, expectorant,laxative, diuretic, demulcent 
Active Ingredients
Alantolactone, isoalantolactone2 and gallic acid, Helenin (a mixture of alantolactone and isoalantolactone, q.v.)
Medicinal Uses
To treat ulcers, headaches, gonorrhea & bladder infection,for pile complaints,to increase semen in men, deafness, ringing in the ears, eye problems, colds, high fever, mumps, hives, pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis (decocted), difficult/painful urination, painful menses.

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