Family : Asclepiadaceae
Synonym(s) : Asclepias gigantea Linnaeus, Periploca cochinchinensis Loureiro, Streptocaulon cochinchinense (Loureiro) G. Don.
English Name : Giant Milk Weed, bowstring hemp, calotrope, crown flower, crownplant, madar
Origin : India
Large, milky shrub,1-5 m in height. Stems woody and round; bark thick, light yellow or ash-grey, soft, corky, eeply fissured. Leaves fleshy, cuneate- obovate or obovate-oblong, 10.0-20.0 cm x 2.5-7.5 cm, smooth above, cottony below. Flowers purplish-lilac or white and are borne in axillary pedunculate - corymbs; corolla lobes spreading or reflexed. The follicles are 8.0 to 10.0 cm long, recurved and turgid. Seeds are numerous and broadly ovate.
Wastelands and fallow land on Indian plains; also in Java and Ceylon. It is found growing up to an altitude of 900 m.
Parts Used : Root and its bark, leaf, flower, stem and latex
Herb Effects
Parts Used : Root and its bark, leaf, flower, stem and latex
Herb Effects
Antiarrhythmic and alleviates spasms (root); anticancer (root and leaf); hypotensive (latex); laxative (plant juice); digestive, stomachic and tonic(flower); emetic, diaphoretic, alternative and purgative (root- bark and juice).
Active Ingredients
Giganteol and iso-giganteol (root bark); sapogenins (leaf); calotropins DI. DII. FI and FII (latex).
Medicinal Use
Active Ingredients
Giganteol and iso-giganteol (root bark); sapogenins (leaf); calotropins DI. DII. FI and FII (latex).
Medicinal Use
Toothache and laxative (plant juice); altering secretion of stomach acids, in the treatment of skin diseases, asthma, elephantiasis and leprosy (flowers); paralysis, arthralgia, swellings and intermittent fevers (leaves). The tribals of South Rajasthan apply latex in the treatment of Guinea worm disease (Joshi, 1991).
Do not use while pregnant.
Do not use while pregnant.
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