Family : Magnoliaceae
Synonym(s) : Croton philippense Lam., Croton punctatus, Rets., Croton coccineus, Willd., Rottlera tinctoria, Roxb., Rottlera aurantiaca.
English Name : Monkey Face Tree, kamala
A tree of 20 to 30 feet, with a trunk 3 to 4 feet round; branches slender, with a pale bark, the younger ones covered articulated, alternate, petioles 1 to 2 inches long, rusty-tomentose, swollen at the end, blade 3 to 6 or more inches long, ovate or rhombic-ovate, with two obscure glands at the base, entire, coriaceous, upper surface glabrous, 3 nerved at base, veins very prominent on under surface, whcih is densely covered with a tomentum of minute, rusty, stellate hairs. Flowers dioecious; female flowers in lax spike-like terminal and axillary racemes; male flower 3 together in the axils of small bracts, arranged in longer ferrugineous tomentum. Seeds one each cell, short, round on back, flat in front, attached to summit of axis, dark purple-brown, smooth, without a caruncle.
From Ethiopia through parts of the Middle East and into the subHimalayas and tropical forests of India; also in Malaya, the Philippines, Ceylon, Hong Kong and Australia.
Parts Used : Fruit (including the outer covering of the capsule), root, leaf and plant.
Herb Effects
Parts Used : Fruit (including the outer covering of the capsule), root, leaf and plant.
Herb Effects
Anticancer, antibacterial and hypoglycemic (fruit); inhibits pregnancy, anthelmintic, astringent and laxative (outer covering of fruit capsule).
Active Ingredients
Rottlerin, methylene-bis-methyl-phloroacetophenone and kamalins I and II (plant).
Medicinal Use
Active Ingredients
Rottlerin, methylene-bis-methyl-phloroacetophenone and kamalins I and II (plant).
Medicinal Use
As a vermifuge (fruit); in skin diseases (leaf, root and outer covering of capsule), including ringworm and scabies (outer covering of capsule).
Powder: 2 1/2 to 3 drachms.
Specific Medicine Kameela: 30 to 60 drops.
Powder: 2 1/2 to 3 drachms.
Specific Medicine Kameela: 30 to 60 drops.
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