Family : Pandanaceae
Synonym(s) : Pandanus odoratissimus Linn, Pandanus tectorius Soland ex. Park., Hasskarila leucacantha Walp., Pandanus latifolius Hassk., Pandanus leucanthus Hassk., Pandanus verus Rumph.
English Name : Screw Pine
Origin : Indo-Malaysia
It is a shrubby and erect plant upto 6 m high, the stem of which is supported by aerial roots. Leaves are glaucous-green, ensiform, caudate-acuminate, coriaceous; the marginal spines pointing forward and those on the midrib pointing forward or backward. Male flowers are having spadix with numerous subsessile cylindric spikes, enclosed in long white fragrant caudate-acuminate spatehs; staminal column 0.6 to 1.3 cm long; anthers longer than the slender filaments, cuspidate, inserted along the whole length of the upper portion. Female flowers: spadix solitary, 5.0 cm across, carpels confluent in obpyramidal groups of 6-10 or fewer; stigmas short, reniform and yellow. The fruits are oblong or globose, 15.0 to 25.0 cm long and broad and yellow or red syncarpium.
Coasts of the Indian peninsula and the Andaman Islands.
Parts Used : Leaf, anther, plant, flower and its essential oil
Herb Effects
Alleviates spasms (plant oil)
Active Ingredients
Coasts of the Indian peninsula and the Andaman Islands.
Parts Used : Leaf, anther, plant, flower and its essential oil
Herb Effects
Alleviates spasms (plant oil)
Active Ingredients
Benzyl benzoate, methyl ether, benzyl acetate, benzyl salicylate, geraniol, linalool and bromostyrene (essential flower oil).
Medicinal Use
Medicinal Use
In syphilis, leprosy, smallpox and leucoderma (leaf); earache and diseases of the blood (anther). Its leaves are known for their aromatic, bitter and pungent properties and are used in leprosy, leucoderma, scabies, small pox and syphilis. Besides, an oil obtained from its bracts is administered in headache and rheumatism.
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