Family : Oleaceae
Synonym(s) : Jasminum grandiflorum forma grandiflorum (L.) Kobuski. Jasminum officinale L. var. grandiflorum Bailey
English Name : Spanish Jasmine
Origin : North West Himalayas
It is a large scrambling or twining shrub with ribbed branches. The leaves are opposite and imparipinnately compound. In the leaflets the terminal one is somewhat larger than laterals. The lateral leaflets are sessile or shortly petiolate. The distal pair is with broad connate base, confluent with the terminal. The flowers are borne in lax axillary or terminal cymes, longer than leaves, white, often tinged with purple on the outside and delightfully fragrant. The bracts are ovate to spathulate-oblong and foliaceous. The calyx is glabrous, lobes are 5 in number and subulate. The corolla lobes are 5 in number and elliptic or obovate.
Hills; subtropical areas of the northwestern Himalayas.
Parts Used : Flower, leaf and aerial Part
Herb Effects
Diuretic (aerial part)
Active Ingredients
Benzyl benzonate, benzyl alcohol, cis-3-hexenol, benzaldehyde and eugenol (flower).
Medicinal Use
Hills; subtropical areas of the northwestern Himalayas.
Parts Used : Flower, leaf and aerial Part
Herb Effects
Diuretic (aerial part)
Active Ingredients
Benzyl benzonate, benzyl alcohol, cis-3-hexenol, benzaldehyde and eugenol (flower).
Medicinal Use
Diseases of the skin (flower) and ear (leaf); canker sores, toothache and corns (leaf). A palatable syrup prepared from the flowers is employed in coughs, hoarsenesses and disorders of the breast.
Bath: 5-6 drops to enjoy the many positive mental and physical effects of this wonderful essential oil.
Skin and Hair care: add a few drops to unscented products.
Exotic massage: Add 10-15 drops to 60 ml of a base oil.
Skin and Hair care: add a few drops to unscented products.
Exotic massage: Add 10-15 drops to 60 ml of a base oil.
In its concentrated form, Wild Jasmine is toxic and can result in paralysis when the patient is fully conscious. Avoid Jasmine while pregnant or nursing as it can suppress milk production.
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