Family : Caesalpiniaceae
Synonym(s) : Saraca indica auct. non Linn. Jonesia asoca Roxb. Jonesia pinnata Willd.
English Name : Ashoka Tree
Origin : India, Sri Lanka, Burma and Malaysia
A small evergreen tree. The leaves are paripinnate and the leaflets 6 to 12, oblong and rigidly sub-coriaceous. The flowers are orange or orange-yellow, eventually turning vermillion, very fragrant, in dense axillary corymbs; the pods, flat, leathery, the seeds, 4 to 8, ellipsoid-oblong and compressed.
India (except the northwestern part)
Parts Used : Bark, seed, flower and aerial part
Herb Effects
India (except the northwestern part)
Parts Used : Bark, seed, flower and aerial part
Herb Effects
Hypothermic, depresses the central nervous system and diuretic (aerial part), stimulates the ovary and endometrium, cardiotonic and anticancer (bark), antifungal (seed), stops bleeding and secretions and induces a sedative effect on the uterus.
Active Ingredients
Active Ingredients
Leucopelargonidin, leucocyanidin, catechol and sterols (bark), palmitic, linoleic and stearic acids and beta-sitosterol (flower), tannins and calcium salts.
Medicinal Use
Medicinal Use
For urinary discharges (seeds); in indigestion, dysppepsia, dysentery, piles and sores, irregular menstruation and in internal hemorrhaging (“where ergot is indicatedâ€) (bark); for syphilis and hemorrhagic dysentery (dried flowers).
Do not take during pregnancy.
Do not take during pregnancy.
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