Monday, March 16, 2009

Cassia tora L.

English Name : Tora, Sickle senna, coffee pod

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Origin : South America

An annual herb, glabrous. Leaves 6 to 12.5 cm long; stipules linear - subulate, leaflets 2 to 4 opposite pairs with a conical gland, apex acute, base acute to asymetrically rounded. Flowers in pairs aw short axillary peduncles; calyx divided, segments 5 mm long, ovate, acute; petals 5, pale yellow 8 mm long and 2.5 mm wide, oblong, obtuse. Fruits pod, stout, 15 to 25 cm long. Seeds green, 25 to 30.

Wastelands and along roads of India.

Parts Used : Leaf, seed, root and plant

Herb Effects
Alleviates spasms and antiviral (plant); germicide and antiparasitical, it has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol and reducing blood pressure.

Active Ingredients
Aloe-emodin, anthrone, chrysophanol, emodin, oleic acid, palmitic acid, physcion, rhein, rubrofuras in-6-beta-gentiobioside, stearic acid, toralactone (seed); glucose, mannitol (plant); rhein, chrysophenol (leaf).

Medicinal Use
Snakebite anitdote (root); skin diseases such as caused by ringworm and itching, rheumatic ailments (seed and leaf); eases skin itch and eruptions, relieves pain, congestion, redness, or sensitivity to light of the eyes (herb). Used as a poultice, warmed leaves reduce gout, sciatica, and joint pains, in cases of liver yang rising, chronic or acute constipation accompanying liver yin deficiency.


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