English Name : Three-Stem Carpetweed, Parpadagam
Family : Molluginaceae
An erect slender annual herb up to 20 cm tall, with slender, cylindrical stems, branches umbellate, the nodes thickened; roots aromatic. Leaves in dense whorls of 4 to 8 at each node, sessile or subsessile, often glaucous; radical leaves 6 to 13 mm long, spathulate or linear - spathulate. Flowers numerous, on stiff filiform pedicels to 1.2 cm long, usually in groups of 3 on long filiform axillary and terminal peduncles; sepals 2.5 mm long, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, with white membranous margins. Fruit (capsule) rounded, equaling the sepals, dehiscing into 3 broadly ovate emarginate valves; seeds numerous smooth, yellowish-brown, without tubercular points.
Forests and fields; Gujarat upper Gangetic plains, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and southern India.
Parts Used : Root and plant
Herb Effects
The herb is cooling, diuretic, febrifuge, relieves thrist, burning sensation of the body, stomachic, aperient, antiseptic and stimulates the heart. Diaphoretic (flowers and tender shoots).
Active Ingredients
Orientin and vitexin (plant).
Medicinal Use
Reducing fever, as an antiseptic and stimulating the secretion of gastric juices (plant); gout and rheumatism (root); to relieve fevers (flowers and tender shoots). An infusion of the plant promotes lochial discharge and is considered a cure for gonorrhoea.
½ to 2 tolas as a decoction with or without sugar or as a compound with other drugs.
Forests and fields; Gujarat upper Gangetic plains, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and southern India.
Parts Used : Root and plant
Herb Effects
The herb is cooling, diuretic, febrifuge, relieves thrist, burning sensation of the body, stomachic, aperient, antiseptic and stimulates the heart. Diaphoretic (flowers and tender shoots).
Active Ingredients
Orientin and vitexin (plant).
Medicinal Use
Reducing fever, as an antiseptic and stimulating the secretion of gastric juices (plant); gout and rheumatism (root); to relieve fevers (flowers and tender shoots). An infusion of the plant promotes lochial discharge and is considered a cure for gonorrhoea.
½ to 2 tolas as a decoction with or without sugar or as a compound with other drugs.
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