English Name : Small Bitter Gourd
Family : Cucurbitaceae
A climber, roots tuberous; tendril simple, leaf-opposed. Leaves alternate, membranous, broadly ovate, 3 to 5 lobed, base cordate; lobes triangular, distantly denticulate; petiole 2 to 7 cm long, channelled above. Male flowers; 2.5 to 3.0 cm long, yellowish, axillary, solitary; pedicels 3 to 5 cm long; bracts spathaceous, enclosing the flower. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla deeply 5-lobed, or campanulate. Stamens 3, inserted at the mouth of calyx; filaments free, erect; 2 anthers 2-celled and 1 anther 1-celled. Fruit 6 x 3 cm, ovoid, fleshy, 3-valved, muricate; seeds flattened, sculptured.
Parts Used : Tuber, root and seed oil
Herb Effects
Anthelmintic and kills sperm (tuber); as an astringent and antidote, reduces fever and astringent (root).
Active Ingredients
Alpha-eleostearic acid (seed oil)
Medicinal Use
Hemorrhoids, reducing fever, stimulant and astringent. Juice of root is antiseptic. The root is used in piles, urinary complaints, as asedative in high fever, in snake-bite and scorpion-sting.
Parts Used : Tuber, root and seed oil
Herb Effects
Anthelmintic and kills sperm (tuber); as an astringent and antidote, reduces fever and astringent (root).
Active Ingredients
Alpha-eleostearic acid (seed oil)
Medicinal Use
Hemorrhoids, reducing fever, stimulant and astringent. Juice of root is antiseptic. The root is used in piles, urinary complaints, as asedative in high fever, in snake-bite and scorpion-sting.
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