Friday, December 5, 2008

Caesalpinia bonduc (Linn.) Roxb.

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Synonym(s) : Caesalpinia bonducella (Linn.) Flem., Caesalpinia jayabo ß cyanosperma Maza; Bonduc minus Medic.; Guilandina bonducella Linn.

English Name : Fever Nut


An armed liana, up to 15 m in height. Branchlets glossy, black, armed with recurved prickles at the base of pinnae and elsewhere; pinnae 6-11 pairs, leaflets stalked, coriaceous, base rounded to acute, apex mucronate, margins curved, upper surface shining, lower dull; flowers yellow, fragrant, in axillary and terminal racemes 30-60 cm long; pods somewhat swollen, dark brown to black, oblong, 1 or 2 seeded, beaked; seeds orbicular or ovoid to reniform, black, polished, hard.


Forests of tropical India

Parts Used : Seed, root and stem

Herb Effects

Antiviral and antifungal (50% EtOH root and stem extract); rubefacient (bark)

Medicinal Use

As a blood purifier and in asthma (seed); in leucorrhea, as a local application for sores (bark); intermittent fever and for diabetes (roots); in menstrual disorders in tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh, India (seed powder).


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