English Name : Saint Domingue, Sen Domeng, Sickle Pod, Chinese lantern tree, Kalahari Christmas tree
Family : Fabaceae
Origin : Africa to India, Southern Thailand and Malesia, Northern Territories of Australia
Shrub or small tree to 8 m tall. Branchlets densely to sparsely puberulous; lateral shoots to 8 cm long. Leaves axes puberulous to minutely pilose, sometimes with red hairlets, especially near base of pinnae; glands peg-like at base of pinnae pairs; pinnae 2-11-jugate; leaflets 12-24-jugate, linear, obtuse to acute, straight to incurved, 2.5-4 (-6) mm long, 0.8-1.5 mm wide, ciliolate, otherwise glabrous. Inflorescence spicate, solitary on a bracteate, short shoot, 6-9 cm long including the glabrous to puberulous peduncle. Pod narrowly oblong, variously curved and/or coiled, 5-7 cm long, 8-15 mm wide, blackish, glabrous. Seeds biconvex, elliptic to subcircular, 4 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, pale tan, glossy; pleurogram elliptic.
Grows in areas with a dry, seasonal climate in poor soils.
Parts Used : Roots, shoot, bark
Herb Effects
Astringent (root); antihelminthic, purgative, laxative and diuretic (bark).
Active Ingredients
Medicinal Use
In rheumatism, urinary calculi and renal troubles (root); applied to the eyes in cases of ophthalmia (shoot); for snake-bites and scorpion stings (plant). to treat dysentery, toothache, elephantiasis, vermifuge, snake-bite, leprosy, syphilis and gonorrhoea (bark).
Pneumonia: 3 teaspoon ful of powdered leaves is mixed with 1 cup water, mixture applied externally.
Astringent on the skin, fresh or dried leaves are crushed, applied 1x / day for 3 days.
Impotence: 1 kg of fresh roots, boiled with 4 glasses of water until 2 glasses remain. 1 glass daily for 2 days.
Grows in areas with a dry, seasonal climate in poor soils.
Parts Used : Roots, shoot, bark
Herb Effects
Astringent (root); antihelminthic, purgative, laxative and diuretic (bark).
Active Ingredients
Medicinal Use
In rheumatism, urinary calculi and renal troubles (root); applied to the eyes in cases of ophthalmia (shoot); for snake-bites and scorpion stings (plant). to treat dysentery, toothache, elephantiasis, vermifuge, snake-bite, leprosy, syphilis and gonorrhoea (bark).
Pneumonia: 3 teaspoon ful of powdered leaves is mixed with 1 cup water, mixture applied externally.
Astringent on the skin, fresh or dried leaves are crushed, applied 1x / day for 3 days.
Impotence: 1 kg of fresh roots, boiled with 4 glasses of water until 2 glasses remain. 1 glass daily for 2 days.
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