English Name : Champak
Family : Magnoliaceae
Origin : India
It is a large, graceful and evergreen tree with dark grey bark. Leaves are acuminate, lanceolate, coriaceous, entire, glabrous, dark green and shining above. The flowers are pale-yellow with a strong odour, solitary, axillary, bracteate and 2.5 to 5.0 cm in diameter. The sepals and petals are 15 to 21. Stamens are numerous, free and the carpels are densely packed on a sessile gynophore. The fruits are 7.5 to 10.0 cm long. Seeds are brown and 1 to 4 in each fruit.
Lower hills of Assam hilly areas of southern India and the eastern Himalayas.
Parts Used : Root, bark, fruit and flower
Herb Effects
Febrifuge, stimulant, astringent, expectorant (bark); purgative and emmenagogue (root and root bark); stimulant, antispasmodic, tonic, stomachic, carminative, bitter and cooling (flowers and fruits).
Active Ingredients
Micheliolide, parthenolide and costunolide (root bark); liriodenine (root and stem bark).
Medicinal Use
For indigestion, boils, itching, nausea and fever (fruit and flower); as an abortifacient (bark). ; roots and are applied to abscesses; in dyspepsia, nausea and fever (infusion of flower); in vertigo and useful in cephalagia, opthalmia, gout and rheumatism (flower oil); for healing cracks in feet (seeds and fruits).
Avoid using oil during pregnancy.
Lower hills of Assam hilly areas of southern India and the eastern Himalayas.
Parts Used : Root, bark, fruit and flower
Herb Effects
Febrifuge, stimulant, astringent, expectorant (bark); purgative and emmenagogue (root and root bark); stimulant, antispasmodic, tonic, stomachic, carminative, bitter and cooling (flowers and fruits).
Active Ingredients
Micheliolide, parthenolide and costunolide (root bark); liriodenine (root and stem bark).
Medicinal Use
For indigestion, boils, itching, nausea and fever (fruit and flower); as an abortifacient (bark). ; roots and are applied to abscesses; in dyspepsia, nausea and fever (infusion of flower); in vertigo and useful in cephalagia, opthalmia, gout and rheumatism (flower oil); for healing cracks in feet (seeds and fruits).
Avoid using oil during pregnancy.
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