English Name : Garbee Bean
Family : Mimosaceae
Origin : Tropical Africa and the Indian Subcontinent
A gigantic, umarmed climber, with twisted, angled stems, and glabrous branches; bark brownish, fibrous, often rough at the base. Leaves bipinnate, ending in a woody tendril; petioles 5 to 9 cm long; leaf rachis 15 cm long; pinnae 2 to 3 pairs, 10 cm long; leaflets 3.8 to 7.5 cm long and 2 to 3.2 cm wide, elliptic-obovate, glabrous, subaucte or emarginate at apex. Flowers yellowish-white, borne in peduncled, simple or panicled spikes up to 30 cm wide. Fruits (pods) woody, jointed, up to 1.5 m long and 10 cm wide; seeds 5 to 30, circular, flattened.
Forests and hills; Bihar, Orissa, eastern Himalayas and southern India.
Parts Used : Seed, plant and its aerial part
Herb Effects
The seeds are used as a tonic, emetic, antiperiodic, and anthelmintic; stimulates the central nervous and cardiovascular systems (aerial part); alleviates spasms. (seed)
Active Ingredients
A saponin of entagenic acid, L-tyrosine-O-glucoside, beta-sitosterol, entamin, quercetin, gallic acid, alpha-amyrin, lupeol and cyanidin chloride (seed).
Medicinal Use
Forests and hills; Bihar, Orissa, eastern Himalayas and southern India.
Parts Used : Seed, plant and its aerial part
Herb Effects
The seeds are used as a tonic, emetic, antiperiodic, and anthelmintic; stimulates the central nervous and cardiovascular systems (aerial part); alleviates spasms. (seed)
Active Ingredients
A saponin of entagenic acid, L-tyrosine-O-glucoside, beta-sitosterol, entamin, quercetin, gallic acid, alpha-amyrin, lupeol and cyanidin chloride (seed).
Medicinal Use
Epilepsy, cancer, anasarca and dropsy (plant); its paste is applied locally to relieve inflammatory and glandular swellings and also used as an emetic. The juice extracted from the bark and wood is applied externally to relieve ulcers.
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