English Name : Hairknot Plant
Family : Asclepiadaceae
Origin : Tropical Africa to Sri Lanka
A slender, hispid, fetid-smelling perennial climber. Leaves opposite, membranous, 3 to 9 cm long and about as wide broadly ovate, orbicular or deeply cordate, acute or short-acuminate at apex, pubescent beneath. Flowers greenish-yellow or dull white tinged with purple, borne in axillary, long-peduncled, drooping clusters. Fruits (follicles) lanceolate, long, pointed, about 5 cm long, covered with soft spines; seeds pubescent, broadly ovate.
Forests; warmer areas of India.
Parts Used : Root bark, seed, leaf and plant
Herb Effects
Laxative (root bark); alleviates spasms, antibacterial, hypothermic, musculotropic, stimulates the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, anthelmintic, emetic, expectorant and stimulates the uterus (plant).
Active Ingredients
Calotropin, calactin and calotropogenin, hentriacontane, betaine, lupeol, beta-sitosterol and alpha and beta-amyrin.
Medicinal Use
Stimulating the uterus, anthelmintic, in infantile diarrhea, expectorant. in catarrh and asthma (plant); laxative (root bark); as a poultice (in carbuncle) (leaf pulp). The plant extract has a stimulatory action on uterine and other involuntary muscles and is used to treat uterine and menstural troubles and to facilitate childbirth. The fresh, pulped leaves are applied as a poultice to relieve carbuncles. The leaf juice is an expectorant in catarrhal affections and is emetic; it is used to treat infantile diarrhoea; mixed with lime or ginger, it is applied externally to relieve rheumatic swellings.
Forests; warmer areas of India.
Parts Used : Root bark, seed, leaf and plant
Herb Effects
Laxative (root bark); alleviates spasms, antibacterial, hypothermic, musculotropic, stimulates the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, anthelmintic, emetic, expectorant and stimulates the uterus (plant).
Active Ingredients
Calotropin, calactin and calotropogenin, hentriacontane, betaine, lupeol, beta-sitosterol and alpha and beta-amyrin.
Medicinal Use
Stimulating the uterus, anthelmintic, in infantile diarrhea, expectorant. in catarrh and asthma (plant); laxative (root bark); as a poultice (in carbuncle) (leaf pulp). The plant extract has a stimulatory action on uterine and other involuntary muscles and is used to treat uterine and menstural troubles and to facilitate childbirth. The fresh, pulped leaves are applied as a poultice to relieve carbuncles. The leaf juice is an expectorant in catarrhal affections and is emetic; it is used to treat infantile diarrhoea; mixed with lime or ginger, it is applied externally to relieve rheumatic swellings.
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