English Name : Indian Barberry and Turmeric Tree
Family : Berberidaceae
Origin : Himalayas
An evergreen thorny shrub reaching as high as 8 ft with yellow wood and thin, brittle, pale and yellowish-gray bark. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by insects.
Habitat : Himalayan forests (from 2000 to 3500 m).
Parts Used : Root and its bark and fruit
Herb Effects
Habitat : Himalayan forests (from 2000 to 3500 m).
Parts Used : Root and its bark and fruit
Herb Effects
Anticancer, hypoglycemic, antiinflammatory and stimulates the cardiovascular system (root); antiamoebic, antibacterial, anticoagulant and hypotensive (root bark); diaphoretic, laxative, antipyretic, antiseptic, aids in opening the natural ducts and pores.
Active Ingredients
Active Ingredients
Berberine, berberine chlorides, palmative chloride, berbamine, pendulin, aromoline, oxyacanthine, oxyberberine, karachine and taxilamine (root bark).
Medicinal Use
Medicinal Use
Jaundice, diarrhea and skin diseases (root bark juice); sporadic fever and malaria (root bark decoction); in amenorrhea, menorrhagia and leucorrhea (root bark); hemorrhoids, eye and stomach maladies, cholera, stimulating the secretion of gastric juices.
Infusion: 25 to 75 grams (2-3 times per day)
Decoction: 150 grams between bouts of fever; 33 to 100 cg with butter (for hemorrhoids); 13 to 25 cg (menorrhagia and skin diseases).
Infusion: 25 to 75 grams (2-3 times per day)
Decoction: 150 grams between bouts of fever; 33 to 100 cg with butter (for hemorrhoids); 13 to 25 cg (menorrhagia and skin diseases).
Standardized Barberry extracts can cause stomach upset and should be used for no more than 2 weeks at a time. Exceeding berberine intake could cause lethargy, nose bleed, skin and eye irritation, and kidney irritation. Barberry should not be used by young children, particularly infants, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease. If you are taking Doxycycline or Tetracycline, consult with your physician before taking Barberry.
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