English Name : Walnut
Family : Juglandaceae
Origin : Brazil (Campos Gerais)
A medium to large tree (upto 100 ft) with spreading crown. Leaves are odd-pinnately compound with prominent, hering-bone venation in the ovate, acute-tipped leaflets;entire margins. All Juglans spp. are monoecious, bearing male and female reproductive organs on separate flowers on the same tree. Although J. regia is self-fertile, it is heterodichogamous, either protandrous or protogynous depending on cultivar. Catkins ( inflorescences) are borne laterally on 1-yr wood, and pistillate flowers are borne terminally in spikes of typically 2 to 4 flowers. Fruit (nut) green, fleshy, shuck covers the nut until maturity, when it dehisces irregularly, releasing the nut. There are fewer nuts per cluster, but more nut clusters compared to pecan.
Garhwal (Himalayas) (up to 3000 m)
Parts Used : Fruit, bark and leaf
Herb Effects
Garhwal (Himalayas) (up to 3000 m)
Parts Used : Fruit, bark and leaf
Herb Effects
The leaves are alterative, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and depurative. The seeds are antilithic, diuretic and stimulant; anthelmintic (leaf, unripe shell, green hull, bark and fruit oil); antisyphilis (unripe shell and green hull); cleansing (bark and leaf); restores health (bark, fruit and leaf); laxative (fruit oil)
Active Ingredients
Active Ingredients
Ascorbic acid, citric acid, ellagic acid, gallic acid, malic acid (fruit); avicularin, beta-eudesmol, caffeic acid, cyanidin, eugenol, hyperin, inositol, juglone, kaempferol, nicotine, p-coumaric acid, quercetin, quercitrin (leaf); Juglansin (kernel); beta-carotene, folacin, lecithin, linoleic acid, niacin, oleic acid, palmitic acid, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, stearic acid, thiamin (seed); beta-sitosterol (plant); betulin, tannin (bark); betulinic acid (stem bark); serotonin (embryo)
Medicinal Use
Medicinal Use
In scrofula, syphilis, eczema and herpes (bark and leaf); rheumatism (fruit); as a vermifuge, laxative and in skin diseases (fruit oil); in dysentery and colic (kernel); to treat constipation, chronic coughs, asthma, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, skin ailments and purify the blood; coughs and vertigo (male inflorescences); in the treatment of diarrhoea and anaemia, low back pain, frequent urination, weakness of both legs, chronic cough, asthma, constipation due to dryness or anaemia and stones in the urinary tract, as a poultice to areas of dermatitis and eczema (rind); menstrual problems and dry skin conditions (seed oil); in the treatment of cancer (cotyledons).
Decoction: Put 2–3 g dried leaf per 100 ml cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes (For use in compresses and partial baths).
Pills: two pills three times a day.
Decoction: Put 2–3 g dried leaf per 100 ml cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes (For use in compresses and partial baths).
Pills: two pills three times a day.
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