Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cassia auriculata L.

English Name : Tanner's Cassia

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Origin : India and Sri Lanka

A fast growing, evergreen shrub, up to 7m tall. 7 to 12 cm long; stipules large, persistent, leaflets 6 to 13 paris, slightly aromatic, orange gland between each pair of leaflets. Flowers yellow, in compound, terminal, corymbose, racemes; pedicels 2 to 2.5 cm long; bracts ovate, acuminate; calyx glabrous, segments leathery; petals with long claws, bright yellow veined with orange. Fruit pod, pale brown, oblong, obtuse 5 to 15 cm long, flat, appery flexible. Seeds 6 to 20, compressed tapering towards the base.

Parts Used : Bark, leaf, fruit, root, flower, seed, pod husk and aerial part of Plant

Herb Effects
Anthelmintic (fruit and leaf); alleviates spasms and antiviral (aerial part and root); stops bleeding (bark); coolant and reduces fever (leaf); anthelmintic, emetic (pods); alexipharmic and cooling (seeds); astringent (flowers).

Active Ingredients
Chrysophanol, rubiadin, emodin and nonacosane (pod husk); kaempferol (flower); beta-sitosterol (flower and pod husk).

Medicinal Use
Diabetes (seed); skin diseases (root); to treat sore throat, enemas, rheumatism and eye diseases (bark); to treat chronic purulent opthalmia and conjunctivitis, gout, gonorrhoea, dysentery, diabetes cough and asthma; to treat urinary disorders and diabetes (flowers).

About 4-5 gms/ day for diabetis and 2-2.5 gms for non-diabetis.


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