Monday, March 16, 2009

Euphorbia antiquorum L.

English Name : Triangular Spurge

Family : Euphorbiaceae

It is an erect, fleshy, glabrous and polymorphous shrubs or small tree with 1 to 5 m height and terete or obscurely 3 to 6 angled branches and sinuate winged branchlets. Leaves are small, fleshy, deciduous and obovate-oblong with rounded apex and cuneate and entire base. Involucres are 3-nate, in short-peduncled simple or less often compounded cymes. Styles are free and 2 lobed with 5 large glands. The cocci are glabrous and compressed.

Warmer areas of India.

Parts Used : Stem, root, latex, plant and its aerial part.

Herb Effects
Stimulates the cardiovascular system (aerial part), emetic, irritant, purgative, stomachic.

Active Ingredients
Taraxerol (root); cycloartenol, beta-amyrin, euphol and alpha-euphorbol (latex); taraxerone, friedelan-3-alpha-ol and -3-beta-ol (stem).

Medicinal Use
Syphilis, bronchitis, asthma, anasarca, dropsy and whitlow (plant); used as external application in cutaneous affections, rheumatism, toothache and ulcers. Its stem-decoction is beneficial in gout and nervous diseases.

Acute gastroenteritis: use 3 to 6 gms dried materials in decoction.


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